So first of all, I'd like to explain my recent disappearance from the blog world. I've had an extremely unlucky Fall with my computer dying and then me getting the flu not once but
twice, all in under a month! Having been extremely sick recently, I'll be perfectly honest and say that I've been living a "media-free" life these past few days. I haven't been on the internet, I haven't listened to the radio, and I haven't watched the news. In fact, I don't think I've really even been out of my house. I think it should therefore go without saying that I am fairly "out of the loop."
That being said, I thought this was an
interesting poll on what TV news source people trust most. Brace yourselves.... it's FOX.

I really didn't want to believe it, so I checked it out on a few more websites, and apparently it really is true. This reminded me of election night just a few weeks ago when I tried to watch the election coverage with my dad (a die-hard Republican). We had to separate and watch on different TVs after about 10 minutes because my dad would not change the channel from FOX. Why? Because, "It's the only network you can trust not to be biased." Those were his
exact words. At first I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. Not even sort of.... He went on to call some of the other news anchors communists, then left the room to watch FOX by himself.
Do Americans really trust FOX over the other networks? I really don't care if people are Republicans or Democrats, but doesn't everyone know FOX is biased? If you're out there reading this, wondering what I'm talking about, check this out: